Hi, How Can We Help You?
  • geral@retrosariapanopramangas.com

  • Rua Cons. Doutor Luís Bettencourt Medeiros Câmara 4, 9500-058 Ponta Delgada, Portugal

Retrosaria Pano P’ra Mangas Website Launch!

Retrosaria Pano P’ra Mangas was created in 2016, from the dream of helping all of those who share our love for sewing.

Since then, we have been working hard to bring to all our customers a wide variety of quality products at good prices, in addition to other services that we also provide, such as sewing services, custom embroidery and even workshops, so you can reach further and feel more confident with your sewing!

With the launch of this website, we want our customers and potential customers whether they are located in the Azores archipelago, or in the Madeira archipelago, in Portugal Continental, in the USA or even in Canada, to have access to information about us and the products and services we offer, through the digital media so that, in a certain way, we can also facilitate our relationship.

We are available for you and to help you with your questions about the sewing world!